Your site should already have a School Staff page with all staff members listed.

To add a staff member, go to the “our staff” item in the navigation. Then, hover over the department you’d like to edit. Click on the gear cog to open up the editor.

staff edit

All staff in that department should be listed.

To start adding the new staff member, click on “add new staff member”

add staff

From there, there are only a few required fields as indicated by the asterisks.

You can add their job title as “teacher” or their subject, but it’s optional.

After you’ve entered in their information, you can hit “create staff member”.

create staff

If necessary, you can rearrange the staff member’s position on the page. Click on the cross icon, hold your mouse down, and drag and drop the new staff member to the position in the staff list where you wish their name to appear.

arrange staff

Don’t forget to hit “save” after you’ve made changes.